Thursday 6 March 2008

6th March 2008

I haven't posted for ages because I have been really busy bringing Endy to live back at home as he was getting mega stressed at the livery yard. On Sunday I rode him home and settled him in his new stable.

He seems much calmer here and has near enough stopped biting and also I havent seen him windsucking at all. Here he has hay 24/7 and is fed more twice a day too. He is turned out from about 10am until 5pm so he doesnt really have time to fret in a stable.

I have ridden him out on some hacks and he is doing really nicely. I am far more relaxed and my hand position is really improving. I do catch myself with my hands dropping towards my thighs but not half as often as before. The leg position now feels like second nature.

I have been reading a lot on the sustainable Dressage site and have been learning loads. I have been playing with the bit contact today and noticing how light I can be with it. The problem that I am having trouble getting my head around is that as soon as I make the lightest of contacts Endy slows down or stops. I am teaching him to be light but then by being light I cannot make a contact. I am sure there is an answer to this but I cant work it out at the moment.

I have also been practicing my leg aids and trying not to kick but to just squeeze with my lower leg. Sometimes we get a response and sometimes we dont. The thing is I am trying to teach myself and also my 16 year old horse which isnt easy. I have stopped the constant nagging now with my leg and only use it to change speed.

Hopefully tomorrow or in the next few days Mike will take some pics of me working in the field and I can see myself and if I look any better.

I am looking forward to really getting back into riding regularly now that Endy is home and to doing some more schooling for him and me. I am going to try and lunge him or maybe longline him. I dont think he had been long lined before because he didnt seem to understand what I was trying to get him to do the last time I tried it.

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